Saturday, December 21, 2013

1/2 Iron On My Radar (Week One)

I am 2 weeks away from my 47 birthday. I look around at my pears and see a lot of people overweight, sluggish, and leading boring lives. I think if you are over 30 and look around you will probably  see the same thing. There is nothing wrong with it, I don't mean anything derogatory by it, I just don't want to be that person.

I kind of was that person until a skiing accident at age 41. I couldn't hardly walk for a year. Gained a lot of weight and felt a lot older than what I was. I decided to make a change. I didn't set out to run or participate in triathlon. I just went to the track and started walking and watching what I ate a little. With the help of some friends I started running and then training for a few races. I participated in a lot of halves and sprint tri's over the next few years. I even ran two full marathons two weeks apart. (not smart).

I divorced my wife of 14 years about a year and half ago. I quit running and training. Its amazing how fast you can lose your speed and stamina. Oh, I would run once every month, or so, trying to convince myself I was just taking a break and I would get going again. Well, that once month got more and more sporadic and slower and slower and tougher and tougher. I built a house, settled in with my fiance, traveled a bit. About 3 months ago I started back running.

I have done halves in Tyler and Waco, TX over the last couple of months. Was back to running about 4 times a week and on the bike a little. Two weeks ago a friend approached me about participating in a half iron in September of 2014. I think he mentioned Atlanta, I am assuming Georgia, although there is an Atlanta, TX. So I am thinking, ok, nine months to train for a half iron. Surely I could be ready.

I searched the internet for a free (I'm kind of cheap) training program. I have never really worked an actual program before. I found one on It is a 20 week program and assumes you are equally skilled in running, biking and swimming. I am with you on the running and biking and although I always considered myself a strong swimmer, this getting from point A to B in the quickest amount of time has not been a lot of fun or a source of confidence for me.

The program has been easy time wise. I have put in around 7.0 hours training this week if you don't count the 20 minute drive to the pool. As expected the running and biking has been fairly easy taken individually. There seems to be a combination of the activities that appear to be working. I have had muscle soreness almost every day. The kind of soreness you get after a pretty good workout. My  first week will finish up tomorrow with a 90 minute bike ride. Today is my off day and its a good thing because the weather is pretty nasty out there.

I have gone from about 270 pounds with the broken leg down to about 205 pounds when I was running at my peek probably 18 months ago. I am sorry to say I am about 235 right now. I hope to see that drop as the training continues.

Summary of week one...

2 hours 10 minutes running 
2 hours 30 minutes cycling
4200 meters swimming (painfully slow I'm sure) 

I feel really good. A little sore (good) and pretty strong.

I think I will work the week one through Christmas and New Years Week

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